
Trapping_guide — 4 Comments

  1. I have 3 Tom cats in the barn that are in need of an attitude adjustment. One is tame but 2 aren’t. I have a live trap but who knows what I will catch on it and when. Need advice.

    • You can catch whomever you can in the trap. The cat can stay in the trap overnight or the day before a surgery day.
      You could call the scheduler to say you can put out trap(s) the day or night before our surgery days and see if anyone goes in. You could call the message phone to say you have a cat trapped and like to bring in for the surgery morning. We have a full schedule but should be able to squeeze another in.
      We do surgeries the 1st, 3rd Mondays,all Thursdays and the second Saturday. Scheduler is 608-638-6887.

  2. I have outside farm cats that are not tame. We feed them but you cant catch them or pet them. I would like to get them fixed them so we don’t keep getting more than we can feed. how are able to catch them to get them fixed.

    • You can try live trapping cats the day before a planned surgery day. Leave in trap to bring to clinic so we can anesthetize through the trap wire.  We have some traps you can put a deposit down to use or you may have a friend who has traps . Call 608-638-6887 to make appt. If you don’t know who you’re going to get in the trap, tell scheduler they will be coming in as unknowns and we will pencil them in as female. 

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